Pub Test Mate is as it sounds
Finished what ever you do, make it to the pub, wet mess, watering whole, tavern, hotel, mates place to relax, unwind and yarn.
We are apparently judged by our mates, team, mob, tribe, crew..
So the pub test was born
It's where it all comes out, before you get there, you may have been shopping for groceries, at your favorite store, were all items are listed in varying pricing, per gram, per 100 gram, per kilo, per millilitre, per litre you seen this right, apparently it is so people can make informed choices for the best value. Great! I say... the same does not apply in associated liquor outlets.
Example cartoon of beer, does not have how much per beer. Wine does not have how much a glass, nor does spirits have how much per shot.
Then there is the question about strength of each product, as some are not as strong as others, some are stronger then others.
Back to the point of it all, does it pass the
The pub test mate, might not actually happen at the pub, the good old aussie lingo and life, that we live in, could well be at work (in approved container in approved wet mess - church) at a mates place (can we say that in 2022, without offending or upsetting someone...), at a friends place, at a party, on a plane, train, truck( I know what you are thinking here...), car, bus any combination there of...
You maybe thinking, what time is pub time, well anytime you want, as we are all different, different patterns and different behaviors, great that!! otherwise all be the same, could be very boring or super exciting..
Now days there is an increasing number of non alcoholic beverages, so bottoms up! Do you think you would be the same?
Do you think or are you aware, would you and /or your company, be more merry with knowing that someone is putting the tins away...
Given the scientific studies, that have concluded alcohol can have impacts on ones ability to respond in appropriate time, similar to lack of appropriate rest, its best to go with dryoneliners
Make some laugh at the pub, they buy you a drink, online you can pay it forward for what you think it is worth.
What's your best?
Make someone laugh they buy you a drink, here in the on line you can show your appreciation by the support link here support
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